🪙$USA Staking Pool

Information about $USA staking pool

PLEASE NOTE: These pools have already been filled and started. There are currently no plans to reopen these pools after their current period ends.

$USA Staking Pools

There will be 3 pools available:

  1. Lucky Launch Pool

  2. Victory Vault Pool

  3. High Rollers VIP Pool

Staking Pool Breakdown

  • Lucky Launch Pool:

    • Contribution period (period when users can stake their tokens in the pool): 7 days

    • Full maturity period: 90 days

    • Early withdrawal option: 45 days

    • Full maturity APY: 30%

    • Early withdrawal APY: 10%

    • Total tokens that can be staked in this pool: 150,000

    • Individual staking cap: No individual cap

  • Victory Vault Pool:

    • Contribution period (period when users can stake their tokens in the pool): 7 days

    • Full maturity period: 180 days

    • Early withdrawal option: 90 days

    • Full maturity APY: 50%

    • Early withdrawal APY: 18%

    • Total tokens that can be staked in this pool: 200,000

    • Individual staking cap: No individual cap

  • High Rollers VIP Pool:

    • Contribution period (period when users can stake their tokens in the pool): 7 days

    • Full maturity period: 210 days

    • Early withdrawal option: 90 days

    • Full maturity APY: 75%

    • Early withdrawal APY: 25%

    • Total tokens that can be staked in this pool: 200,000

    • Individual staking cap: No individual cap

NOTE: To get access to the High Roller VIP pool, you will need a minimum of 5,000 $USA tokens in your wallet as of Thursday, December 7th, at 16:00 UTC. All wallets that hold the threshold of 5,000 $USA will be whitelisted, and only those addresses will be able to enter the High Roller VIP Pool. The other two pools will be accessible to everyone else.

Stake your $USA here.

Last updated