🏗️Mint Process, and Allocations

How to get a DEDPRZ NFT?

PLEASE NOTE: The mint process and allocation are already over and you can now trade DEDPRZ NFTs on secondary trading platforms. This page informs you about how we distributed our NFTs and $USA tokens.

DEDPRZ NFTs have been minted and are tradable on Rarible and Magic Eden. There will not be any airdrops for the collections as of now.

NFT Allocations

  • Seed Round

    • 1 Seed NFT, and whitelist to mint 10 DEDPRZ NFTS.

  • Private Round

    • Whitelist to Mint 1 DEDPRZ NFT for every $500 contributed to the sale of $USA in the Private round.

  • Strategic Round

    • Whitelist to Mint 1 DEDPRZ NFT for every $500 contributed to the sale of $USA in the Strategic round, similar to the private round.

  • Public Round

    • Whitelist to Mint 1 DEDPRZ NFT for every $700 contributed to the sale of $USA in the Public round.

Private round:

Example: Invest $500 to get 10,000 $USA and 1 DEDPRZ Mint

Example: Invest $1,500 to get 30,000 $USA and 3 DEDPRZ Mints Public Round:

Example: Invest $700 to get 7,777 $USA and 1 DEDPRZ Mint

Example: Invest $1,400 to get 15,555 $USA and 2 DEDPRZ Mints

Last updated